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eBooks and ePapers

eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration

A valuable reference for everyone involved in implant placement or implant restoration. 18 chapters from diagnosis to oral hygiene maintenance, 950+ photographs, over 40 videos, end of chapter self-assessment quizzes and 1,000+ scientific and literature references.

Digital workflow


Peter Wöhrle: Improving clinical outcomes with integrated digital advances of shorter time to teeth

Dr. Wöhrle discusses how to use digital workflows in your implant practice, utilizing data acquisition by means of CBCT and surface scanning to create predictable implant treatment. He uses clinical examples to demonstrate how to use digital tools for treatment planning and using s

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Patient cases

Multidisciplinary treatment of congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors.

A 19-year-old female patient with multiple aplasias, substantial vertical overlap (overbite), and a medium-to-high smile line. She received Nobel Active 3.5 (13 mm) implants and simultaneous bone augmentation with a bone substitute on her lateral incisors.

Guided Surgery
Anterior implants

Patient cases

Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization of the central incisors

A 26-year-old female patient is treated following the "MeteenDoor"- protocol. This Dutch protocol includes the placement of a bone substitute simultaneously with Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization (IIPP) reducing the horizontal buccal bone changes.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants

Patient cases

Multi-disciplinary rehabilitation of an agenesic upper lateral incisor

A 53-year-old female patient with #22 FDI (#10 US), which was endodontically treated and discolored, was esthetically unpleasing. The tooth was hopeless due to root fracture. A treatment plan was formulated to replace the non-vital tooth with an implant.

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management

Patient cases

Esthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth with orthodontic treatment and porcelain veneers

A 39-year-old male patient with large diastemas. The following case was solved by a combination of orthodontics and prosthodontics, along with tools used to predictably achieve the desired result.

Biomechanics and occlusion
Single and multi-unit restorations


Inaki Gamborena: Slim concept, a valuable treatment alternative for implant aesthetics

The goal of creating a harmonious aesthetic outcome around dental implants that mimics the surrounding dentition and soft-tissue condition as well as morphology is indeed difficult to create and maintain long term. The subepithelial connective tissue graft (CTG) is a favored option...

Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures
Soft tissue management


Aki Yoshida: Application and aesthetic properties of multi-layer Zirconia restorations

For more than a decade zirconia has become a preferred restoration material. A layered zirconia restoration combines the highest esthetics with strength and biocompatibility in the mouth. However, the opacity of the zirconia material is such that it may present some esthetic...

Digital workflow
Anterior implants


Inaki Gamborena: Screw- or cement-retained restorations. A biologic point of view.

This lecture will focus on the biologic criteria when it comes to restoring anterior implants using as an alternative a screw or cement retained restoration. The main problematic aspect for the cemented implant restoration will be discussed widely with different clinical examples...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Rudolf Fürhauser: The Pink Esthetic Score in monitoring peri-implant soft tissue stability in single tooth implants according different treatment protocols.

Pink Esthetic Score assesses 7 soft tissue variables, it allows for reproducible assessments of peri-implant soft tissue around single tooth implants (Gehrke 2009). Different treatment modalities can be compared, flapless procedures show better outcomes than flapped procedures...

Digital workflow
Immediate implant placement


Michael D. Meyer: Digital diagnostics and efficiency in workflow. What does this mean for final outcomes?

The use of NobelClincian digital diagnostics enables planning full arch dental implant treatments, such as the All-on-4® treatment concept, by beginning with the final prosthetic outcome in mind. This digital precision can reduce risk and improve predictability by allowing the clin...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Saj Jivraj: Begin with the end in mind

The All-on-4® treatment concept has gained a significant momentum in the last decade. This presentation will focus on the diagnostic factors to enhance clinical outcomes. Emphasis will be placed on how the clinician chooses between fixed vs. removable implant supported restorations...

Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Diagnosis and treatment planning


Arturo Llobell: Does virtual improve the final outcome?

Current multidisciplinary management of both simple and complex clinical scenarios has evolved significantly in recent years. The changes in this evolution have been aimed at achieving more predictable as well as longer lasting results, without excluding interesting aspects such as...

Digital workflow
Edentulous treatments


Francisco Fernando Todescan: Single tooth replacement in the aesthetic zone

This presentation aims to examine how digital planning is extremely valuable for the replacement of single units in the esthetic zone aggregating precision and predictability. The threedimensional images of NobelClinician allow the surgeon to evaluate the site at every possible...

Digital workflow


Patrick Rutten: Digital workflow in the dental laboratory

Tight collaboration between clinicians and lab technicians is needed from the beginning, before treatment is executed. Digital tools facilitate the creation of cemented provisionals prior to surgery and are the ideal real-life prototypes for the following final restorations during...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery