Dr. Krivitsky discusses the importance of site development for implant placement. She reviews the pattern of resorption following extraction and the important role bone graft plays in preserving the bone architecture. Her focus is on two specific challenges...
A valuable reference for everyone involved in implant placement or implant restoration. 18 chapters from diagnosis to oral hygiene maintenance, 950+ photographs, over 40 videos, end of chapter self-assessment quizzes and 1,000+ scientific and literature references.
A 55-year-old female patient with missing maxillary premolars, class IV recession on the adjacent tooth, pneumatized sinus. She was treated with simultaneous sinus elevation, implant placement, guided bone regeneration, and soft tissue grafting.
Dr. Wöhrle discusses how to use digital workflows in your implant practice, utilizing data acquisition by means of CBCT and surface scanning to create predictable implant treatment. He uses clinical examples to demonstrate how to use digital tools for treatment planning and using s
A 53-year-old female patient with #22 FDI (#10 US), which was endodontically treated and discolored, was esthetically unpleasing. The tooth was hopeless due to root fracture. A treatment plan was formulated to replace the non-vital tooth with an implant.
A 28-year-old female patient presented a Class II division 1 malocclusion. The maxilla was prognathic with pro-inclination of the incisors; the mandible was retrognathic. The treatment included orthodontic alignment followed by orthognathic bimaxillary surgery.
Due to bone resorbtion in atrophic maxillary cases, low bone density and reduced bone height is commonly presented in the posterior region. Different techniques have been used to solve these cases, with or without bone augmentation. The pterygomaxillary region has been found to...
In this presentation different ways to treat severe cases will be presented. The presentation will focus on the rationale and long term results for sinus elevation and implant placement in the extremely resorbed maxillae.
A 39-year-old male patient with large diastemas. The following case was solved by a combination of orthodontics and prosthodontics, along with tools used to predictably achieve the desired result.
The success of immediate loading expanded the clinical basis for restorations in the early postoperative period. On the other hand, there is no doubt that in order to ensure the stability of the soft tissues and to reduce bone remodeling, it is necessary to minimize manipulations...
In order for a patient to receive a properly placed implant with a functional and esthetically successful restoration, the clinician must be aware of the anatomical limitations of the maxillo-mandibular complex.
The goal of this presentation is to provide the clinician with...
The use of NobelClincian digital diagnostics enables planning full arch dental implant treatments, such as the All-on-4® treatment concept, by beginning with the final prosthetic outcome in mind. This digital precision can reduce risk and improve predictability by allowing the clin...
It has been stated that the periodontist's primary role is to maintain the natural dentition in health, function and esthetics. Patients' dentitions can fail for a variety of reasons, periodontal bone loss being only one of them. As periodontal treatment concepts of disease and...
Current multidisciplinary management of both simple and complex clinical scenarios has evolved significantly in recent years. The changes in this evolution have been aimed at achieving more predictable as well as longer lasting results, without excluding interesting aspects such as...