In the edentulous upper jaw the placement of implants can be challenging due to limited bone quantity and the presence of the maxillary sinus. Pterygoid implants have high success rates, similar bone loss levels to those of ...
In the edentulous upper jaw the placement of implants can be challenging due to limited bone quantity and the presence of the maxillary sinus. Pterygoid implants present an alternative option to use residual bone for implant anchorage and to overcome the need for...
Zygomatic implants have been documented as a an alternative for the rehabilitation of the atrophic posterior maxilla with both the classical two stage and immediate loading protocols. Zygomatic implants avoid grafting and sinus lift procedures and therefore contribut
Less than 4-6 mm of vertical residual bone height in the posterior segment of the maxilla is an indication for a sinus augmentation procedure [Esposito]. The external access to the maxillary sinus is carried out at a lateral buccal alveolar...