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Treatment guidelines

Single tooth

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Hard tissue augmentation (esthetic zone)

Loss of an upper incisor or canine may frequently reveal insufficient vertical bone dimension, and often a poor sagittal bone dimension. Extraction of the central incisor may bring about expansion of the incisive foramen, leaving insufficient residual bone...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Soft tissue augmentation techniques

Gingival biotype plays an important role in determining tissue levels achieved around implants. A thin biotype is generally more susceptible to recession of the facial mucosal margin or permeation of a gray color from the implant, induced by the resorption of a thin labial cortical


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Implant selection and drill protocols, anterior

The essential prerequisites for an optimally esthetic implant restoration should always remain a careful, precise, comprehensive, biologically- and prosthetically-based diagnosis, as well as the choice of the most appropriate, most conservative, and least traumatic treatment techni


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Incision and wound closure

There is always trepidation by the dental surgeon to carry out any surgical procedure either because of fear of excessive bleeding or damage to the vital structures or complications related to surgery and anesthesia. One should have adequate knowledge of regional anatomy and plan o


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Impression procedures and digital impressions/intra-oral scanning

The replication of the precise position of the implant body (rotation, depth and angulation) relative to the other oral structures (teeth and/or implants) is critical to the success of the restoration. The abilit...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Intra-operative complications

Due to the jaw bone resorption after tooth loss the resulting configuration and dimension cannot be evaluated precisely by panoramic or intra-oral radiographs. Additional cross-sectional imaging i.e. cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) can be necessary to...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Implant insertion torque

Total insertion torque (Ncm) reflects the consumed electric current during tapping or implant insertion by a motor unit-connected computer and is indirectly a value of the primary implant stability. The total insertion torque value is the sum of...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


3D implant position

Implant type and size should be based on site anatomy and the planned restoration. Inappropriate choice of implant length, implant diameter, implant neck configuration and surface properties may result in complications with surrounding...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Tapered implant placement considerations

The most widely used implant design nowadays is tapered/conical in analogy to the root form of teeth. Main advantages of a tapered design in contrast to straight-walled are: ideal for immediate implant placement, well-designed for narrow gaps with root proximity of...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Parallel-walled implant placement considerations

A parallel-walled or straight implant design was first used by Brånemark in 1969 when he introduced the term of “osseointegration”. This makes the straight implant design one of the longest documented designs in scientific literature (more than 45 years of evidence).



Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Guided protocol, NobelGuide

Implant placement following a fully guided protocol (in contrast to semi-guided or by conventional manual guidance) allows the most versatile implant positioning in matters of anatomical limitations (maxillary sinus, nasal cavity, neurovascular structures, adjacent tooth roots, etc


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Guided protocol, overview

Treatment planning involving implant placement has changed from a surgical approach, that strictly focused on bone availability, to a prosthetically driven planning using 3D imaging and computer guided software. New technologies combining data from CBC...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Semi-guided protocol

Today it is widely accepted that implant surgery benefits from computer-guided template-assisted surgery, particularly in complex situations. It is well understood that an accurate implant planning is critical to achieve an optimal prosthetic result.


In addition to the trad


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Non-guided protocol

The experienced surgeon may place implants non guided, i.e. in a “free-hand” approach. Especially in the early phase of the learning curve it may be advantageous not to force this approach as a guided-approach facilitates correct implant positions...




Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Flap- or flapless

Flapless implant surgery for single tooth replacement is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed using custom fabricated surgical guides made on occlusal casts or derived from 3D image planning softwares with integrated 3D images of the...