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Treatment guidelines

Intraoral radiographs

Key points

  • The intraoral technique provides mesio-distal (horizontal) and crestal-apical (vertical) measurements, as well as useful information on bone structure and density.
  • Additional computerized advantages include the ability to enhance the image for viewing.
  • The paralleling technique should always be attempted before other techniques.

Digital Textbooks

eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration
Single implants and their restoration
A very important part of single implant diagnosis is determining if sufficient bone of good quality is available to support placement of an implant. It is also important to ensure the adjacent teeth and bone are free from pathology. A proper diagnosis should even assess whether it is necessary to reposition the maxillary sinus as well as orthodontically move approximating roots to establish required space. The minimum radiographs needed to permit a proper diagnosis include both a panoramic and periapical radiographs.


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17.03.2024 | 15:48

About X-ray dental intraoral

Hello!If you can help me with something. Should the room where X-ray dental intraoral is located be isolated with Pb to work with it, or it can be used in normal dental ordinance without isolation?

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If you can help me with something. Should the room where X-ray dental intraoral is located be isolated with Pb to work with it, or it can be used in normal dental ordinance without isolation?