FOR Virtual Symposium & Live Surgery Streaming Event
The Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation is pleased to bring you live educational opportunities at no charge. Jointly with our partner and organizer of the Bone Regeneration Online Global Summit, Sepa Foundation, FOR faculty was pleased to bring you a Foundations Roundtable and two live events, the FOR symposium and a live surgery. View these events originally broadcast on Wednesday 15 & Wednesday 22 September, 2021 as on demand webinars.
Wednesday 15 September
14:00 Central Europe Time
FOR, ITI, ORF and Sepa:
Foundations Roundtable
Language: English
Wednesday 22 September
14:00 Central Europe Time
To Graft or Not to Graft,
that is the Question
Join the on-demand webinar here!
Languages: English, German, Spanish
Wednesday 22 September
19:00 Central Europe Time
Regeneration of the Ridge
in Vertical and Horizontal
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian
Foundations Roundtable
Roundtable Faculty
Christoph Hämmerle
Juan Blanco
Represented Foundations:
Chandur Wadhwani: Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)
Bilal Al-Nawas: International Team for Implantology (ITI)
Robert Sader: Oral Reconstruction Foundation (ORF)
Juan Blanco: Sepa Foundation
FOR Symposium: To Graft or Not to Graft, that is the Question
Identify single tooth replacement cases that can benefit from grafting and those cases where grafting is not required
Understand when raising of a flap is required and when this procedure can be skipped for the benefit of preserving the soft tissue
Include the patient’s needs and requirements into the treatment planning process in order to achieve a satisfying result for both parties
Understand the different available biomaterials and when to use which material for the benefit of the treatment outcome
Discuss the available scientific data for the different treatment options for treating atrophic maxillae
Symposium Faculty
Disclosures: Dr. Ana Ferro: research grants, lecture and advisory fees from Nobel Biocare. Dr. Tara Aghaloo: research grants from Straumann, lecture fees from Nobel Biocare, Straumann, Dentsply, Biohorizons and Keystone Dental. Dr. Edith Groenendijk has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.