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Treatment guides

臼歯部領域 - インプラントのデザインとインプラントの選択

Key points

  • 短く、傾斜したインプラントは骨移植を回避することが可能です。
  • 上顎骨後方部では、残遺歯槽骨の高さが3~6mmの場合、ラテラルウィンドウ・アプローチよりも、トランスクレスタル・アプローチにより8mmのインプラントを埋入する方が合併症を減らす可能性があります。
  • 径の大きなインプラント(≥ 5mm)は、抜歯後(post-extractive)のインプラント、交換されるインプラント、骨密度不良の場合、より広い表面積およびより優れた初期固定をもたらします。

Digital Textbooks

Achieving your intended outcome with endosseous implant therapy requires careful planning and execution of both the surgical and prosthodontic aspects of treatment. Seamless integration of these two phases of care is vital. Attaining your final treatment outcome typically is based on a number of factors: a comprehensive evaluation of the patient, obtaining the required records, a thorough understanding of the possibilities and limitations inherent in both the surgical and prosthodontic phases of different treatment options, developing and communicating a definitive treatment plan to the patient, and patient acceptance of that treatment plan.
Typically, the ongoing process of integration of an oral implant is characterized by a series of clinical outcomes based on the concepts of engineering statics and dynamics combined with developments in implant surface technologies with adherence to accepted prosthodontic principles. The clinical criteria used to establish a prognosis for a dental implant typically involved a lack of signs and symptoms of pathology, a lack of mobility and a radiographic assessment of the implant-bone interface.

