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David A Gelb


Dr. David A. Gelb has received global recognition for his pioneering publications and worldwide presentations on immediate implant surgery, immediate loading and bone regeneration around implants. He received the DDS degree in 1973, a certificate in periodontics from Columbia University in 1975, a certificate in implant surgery from the University of Toronto in 1986 and a certificate in implant prosthetics, OSI in 1989. He served as a faculty member at the University of Connecticut, United States Navy in Bethesda, Columbia University and at Hartford Hospital. Dr. Gelb is a diplomate of the American Academy of Periodontology and of the American Academy Osseointegration. He is also a fellow of the American and International College of Dentists, and of the Pierre Fouchard Academy. In addition to being a pioneer in immediate implant surgery, he is the developer of the Gelb Depth Gauge and Implant Tracker. His private practice in West Hartford, Connecticut, focuses on esthetics in implant dentistry, immediate implant surgery and immediate loading.

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根据为期24年对超过12000例植体植入的长期经验,其中6000例采用了即刻植入方案,过去12年里将近2000起采用即刻加载方案的植体得到恢复,盖尔布博士审视了应用这些治疗方案的成功率以及其独特优势。凭借超过95%的成功率,即刻植入种植体比完好区域的植体表现出略高的成功率。即刻加载方案显示了超过95%的成功率,因此不会改变即刻植入手术的成功率。即刻植入的种植体可为骨再生提供支架,并在拔牙的当天替换 未能幸存的牙齿,一次手术实现局部保留和发展。一旦进行清创,受感染的拔牙后牙槽窝中的植体植入不会干扰骨再生或成功的植入结果的可预测性。