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Laureen Langer


Dr. Laureen Langer received a DDS degree in 1982, and a Certificate in Periodontics in 1984 from Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, and a fellow of the Academy of Osseointegration. Dr. Langer has lectured both nationally and internationally in over 20 countries. She has published in numerous dental journals and in six textbooks on the subject of periodontal surgery, gingival recession and implants. She was President of the Osseointegration Foundation in 2001-2002, and President of the Northeastern Society of Periodontics in 2002. In 2006, she received the Hirschfeld Award for Clinical Excellence from the Northeastern Society of Periodontists. Dr. Langer is in private practice in New York City.

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Laureen Langer:前牙和后牙单齿部位的即刻植入与延迟植入,二者有何区别?

本次讲座审视并比较了在超过20年的时间周期内进行的将近40000起种植体手术数据库。 Laureen兰格博士的结论即刻植入和延迟植入具有相似的高存活率,且二者没有明显的统计差异。即刻植入可同时为患者和临床医师提供类似缩短拔牙和假体修复之间的治疗时间、善于利用新鲜拔除牙窝的愈合能力和最小化手术干预数量的优势。臼齿区域所遭受的损失多过前牙和双尖牙,并且有不可靠的证据表明在下颌臼齿区域优先选用延迟植入,所以在这种情况下做出关于感染控制和稳定植入物能力的明智决定是有帮助的。在臼齿区域若采用即刻植入将更难实现理想的假体位置。